Water, It's A Privilege!

      In my Water STEAM class we have been learning about the impact of water in our daily lives, such as our footprint, how much we use, access to it, sanitation, and the struggles many go to actually have water. On one of our External Investigations we wanted to simulate the hardships of having to get our own water, which is a problem many people in third world countries have to do,  instead of just turning on the tap. So we decided to carry as much water from our nearest source, the Chicago River. The Chicago river is about a 0.2 mile walk from our school. It sure was though especially for those of us who didn’t have things such as wagons or dollys to put the buckets of water in. So by the end of the trip those who had to carry their buckets and bottles by hand were pretty tired. We were pretty successful in the coming and going but in total we didn't carry much water meaning if we really depended on that water we would have to go back and get more in order to have enough for the day. For me personally from my nearest water source, which is a pond from a park which isn't very sanitary, it would take me 13 hours to carry my daily amount of water usage if I carried at least 5 gallons each trip. Which would be really tiring. Overall we all got an idea of the difficulties many others who have no choice but to carry their own water face. Below are some pictures of our water carrying:

Source: To,Hiu 2019

We had also gone on a Field Experience before this in which we went on a water taxi around the Chicago river to see the water quality. The water was definitely not very sanitary and it wouldn't be the safest source to drink the water directly from. Meaning if we were to be in a country of which we weren't so privileged to have easy access to water, those who their nearest water source was the river it wouldn't be so safe to drink from. Which once again is a reality people in less developed countries have to face. Here are some pictures:

Source: To,Hiu 2019
Countries like the U.S and Canada most often overuse this valuable resource and often take it for granted, Whereas in other countries like Bangladesh, Peru, Kenya, and many more people struggle on the daily to obtain water which when they do most of the time is not the most sanitary. In order to try and raise awareness my project was to create a poster of which made people want to make a change. With my creativity let free I created this poster.

    As I stated before many countries with the great privilege to have easy access to water usually take it for granted. We should be more cautious about it as this precious resource can run out if we're not careful. Luckily there are ways you can help preserve this resource or help other countries have more sanitary access to it. There are many ways to save water. There are easy ones such as taking shorter showers and turning off the tap while you're brushing teeth. There are other harder to give up ones like not taking as many baths (which wastes a lot of water). So let's all do this together that way we can make sure we are not taking this precious resource for granted are making sure it's available for all the generations after us.

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