Who am I? - FP Winter 2020

 This Winter Term for my humanities class we took a course called Who am I?. This course took us on quite a ride and we got to go on many Field experiences of which helped us get out and talk to professionals in various fields and try out new things such as Jujitsu and other things. So when Final Presentations came around and it was time to pick our own guiding question I knew exactly what mine was going to be.... Who am I?.  "But Abby isn't that just ripping off your course name?" - Random person reading this. Well person reading this, in a short answer yes and no. Through this course we did many things, we read and studied about the ideas of many famous philosophers and psychologist. We questioned our beliefs and brought our truths to light. I slowly began finding parts of my identity I had never even thought about. So after all that I realized that all along I had been answering the very question my course was named. It was a question we had slowly been answering throughout the whole course. Therefore I decided to use it. So using this new knowledge of my identity I had become aware of and acquired through this class I decided to put it into a drawn collage, along with a slideshow:

Closer look:

Well random reader my time here is up but I would like to thank you for taking time out of your 24 hour day to read through my slideshow and take a look at my collage/ art piece. But before I end this I would like to challenge you to ask more questions about yourself, to be curious about who you really are because going a whole lifetime without truly knowing yourself is something one might regret when at the end of their life, So in short just ask questions, be curious and have no regrets. Until next time (maybe, hopefully) goodbye, and thank you for your time.


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