Big Cats (Lions) π¦
Welcome everyone! and as we start I do have a very important question for all you out there, What’s the second largest cat and the coolest one in the whole world? If you guessed Garfield I’m sorry to inform you he’s only the third coolest cat next to the tiger. So what is the answer? Think Simba and if you can’t get it still let me just tell you right now as the right answer is the drumroll please ….. The African lion! Now this is just an assumption but I do believe most have seen a lion before whether in real life or in those National Geographic shows where they show a two hour tape a Lion just vibing and minding its own business but if you haven’t here’s what a male lion looks like more or less :
A female would look similar in appearance but most of the time will not have a mane and will have other anatomy differences. Now that all of you have seen a lion, there will be some claiming “oh Abby of course I’ve seen a lion before it’s a very popular animal that most people know about” and sure you might know where their habitat is or what animals they eat, but do you really really know about Lions? I mean like really really know ? I mean have you seen it’s taxonomy before right? As the good old saying saying says you never truly know an animal until you’ve seen it’s taxonomy (pretty sure I just made this saying up on the spot so please don’t quote me) . If you haven’t then I have great news for you! I just happen to know the taxonomy because quick flex, I know a lot about lions. Not only must we know the taxonomy but we need to know why they belong in those categories. So here is the taxonomy of the big cat with the reasons of why they are there :
Kingdom : Animalia gang
Phylum : Chordata
Class : Mammalia
Order : Carnivora
Family : Felidae
Genus : Panthera
Species : panthera leo
Kingdom : Animalia gang
Phylum : Chordata
Class : Mammalia
Order : Carnivora
Family : Felidae
Genus : Panthera
Species : panthera leo
Now that you know the taxonomy of the lion you’re practically an expert right? Wrong! My friend, in order to truly know an animal you must see how it compares to other animals, only then will you see it’s glory on a bigger scale. So how could we do this? One way is using something called set theory sets. For those of you that don’t know what they are, they're more or less a cool math way to classify things into groups and elements to see how they compare to others in the same universe. Here are some I created to show you the true glory of a lion :
U= { lion, sea bunny, velociraptor, panda, golden Snub-nosed monkey, highland cattle}
Our universal set explains what animals we will be comparing the lion to
lion ∈ Animals that are not extinct
The set of “Animals that are not extinct” includes lions, sea bunnies, pandas, golden snub-nosed monkeys, and highland cattle. (velociraptors are pretty dead)
Animals that are not extinct = {lions, pandas, highland cattle, sea bunnies, snub-nosed monkey}
Carnivores ⊂ Animals that are not extinct
Animals that eat some good meat to intake that good protein aka carnivores is a subset of Animals that are not extinct
lions ∈ Carnivores
Finally lions is a element of the subset Carnivores, well because they’re cool like that ( ͡▀̿ ̿ ͜Κ ͡▀̿ ̿ )✌
And just as we saw most of the greatness of Lion through those theory sets, there is also another slightly more detailed way to compare Lions to other animals. That being the famous good old Venn diagram, in this case we only compared it to the sea bunny and velociraptor though :

U= { lion, sea bunny, velociraptor, panda, golden Snub-nosed monkey, highland cattle}
Our universal set explains what animals we will be comparing the lion to
lion ∈ Animals that are not extinct
The set of “Animals that are not extinct” includes lions, sea bunnies, pandas, golden snub-nosed monkeys, and highland cattle. (velociraptors are pretty dead)
Animals that are not extinct = {lions, pandas, highland cattle, sea bunnies, snub-nosed monkey}
Carnivores ⊂ Animals that are not extinct
Animals that eat some good meat to intake that good protein aka carnivores is a subset of Animals that are not extinct
lions ∈ Carnivores
Finally lions is a element of the subset Carnivores, well because they’re cool like that ( ͡▀̿ ̿ ͜Κ ͡▀̿ ̿ )✌
And just as we saw most of the greatness of Lion through those theory sets, there is also another slightly more detailed way to compare Lions to other animals. That being the famous good old Venn diagram, in this case we only compared it to the sea bunny and velociraptor though :

Well my friends now that you have learned the taxonomy of the Lion and have also seen it compared to other animals, I think you have officially call yourself Lion experts. It was a fun ride but now you should go on and become experts on other animals as well. Keep the flame of curiosity and continue learning I wish you the best on your experiences - Abby π ( ͡^ ͜Κ ͡^)
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