How can one treat type 2 diabetes?

 For my final term in my Cure Class we studied and learned about treatments to many disorders, diseases, and conditions that people struggle with. We even took a first aid course in order how to treat minor injuries or even major injuries in case of an emergency. After learning about various treatments migraines could have our teacher assigned us to do our own research on a disease, condition, or disorder of our own. After some thinking I decided to do my research on  treatments for diabetes. I decided to do it in diabetes since I was familiar with the disease since I know elders in my family that struggle with it. Once I had decided on which disease to do I needed to choose a format, one which I could easily explain the treatments in a way that anyone could understand, so I decided to create a sock puppet video. Once I had my idea in mind I got to work. 

First I decided to create a patient profile, listing age, race, lifestyle and other things along the line. Once I had finished creating it I got right to writing the script for the video. After finishing my script came the most difficult part, recording. As I found out while working on this project it is not easy to record yourself making your sock puppets move. Luckily I was able to get my sister to help me out with the recording. After 2 long hours of having to get various takes, it was time to edit the video. This part was also a bit of a struggle due to it being one of my first times editing a fairly longer than 2 minute video. After getting through this I finally had my final version done. I hope this can help others struggling with finding treatment options come up with a clearer idea of which one works for them. Without further a due here is the final version:

Video Script: 


Dr. Socki

Mrs. Elisa  

Elisa at doctors office


Oh I sure do hope today's meeting with the doctor goes well.

Doctor Socki enters the office room

Dr. Socki

Good Afternoon Maria!


Good Afternoon!

Dr. Socki

Today we will be talking about different types of treatment can be provided for type 2 diabetes in order to decide which one is best for you


Yes! Thank you very much doctor

Dr. Socki

As you may know type 2 diabetes is when your body resists insulin and isn't effective with your body's glucose. Leading your blood sugar levels to rise, meaning there is too much sugar in your blood circulating around your bloodstream.


How do high sugar levels affect me?

Dr. Socki

Usually having too much sugar in your bloodstream can lead to disorders in your body's normal function, it can affect your circulatory, nervous, and even your immune system


Oh my! And unfortunately this was inherited genetically right?

Dr. Socki

Correct, often times type 2 diabetes is inherited genetically but can also be a result of bad lifestyle choices, like not having a healthy diet


Oh dear! So tell me doctor can it be cured?

Dr. Socki

Unfortunately it can be chronic, meaning it can last a lifetime but we can offer various treatments in order to allow minimize its negative effects


Thank you Doctor, what are these treatments?

Dr. Socki

Well the first and most accessible is going on a diabetic diet.


What is a diabetic diet?

Dr. Socki

A diabetic diet is usually personalized to the individual, but oftentimes these diets are rich in nutrients, eating lots of superfoods, and sticking to strict mealtimes. Most meals have a heavy focus on fruits, vegetables and whole grains. You can find good guides on specialized diets at the American Diabetes Association's official website


Oh thank you doctor, is there anything else you recommend?

Dr. Socki

Of course! I also highly recommend exercising at least 1 hour everyday. It is just as accessible as going on a diabetic diet


What type of exercises must I do?

Dr. Socki

If you are young you can practically do any exercise you want, but for the elderly often the exercises recommended aren't as intense but still keep you active. These exercises include things like yoga, walking, and dancing.You can find more Ideas at


Sounds Good! Oh and Doctor is there any medication I can take along with the diets and exercises?

Dr. Socki

Yes, but medication is usually only prescribed when exercise and diets don't help lower your sugar levels. These medications are called antidiabetics. One of the most common ones is Metformin


Meant for men? What about women?!

Dr. Socki

No, MET-FORM-MEN, it is an antidiabetic which helps your body make better use of insulin which in return lowers your body sugar levels, usually it requires prescription, so if diet and exercise don't work for you it is advised to consult your doctor as to which antidiabetic works best for you. You can find more information at


Ah makes sense, one more question doctor! You have brought this insulin word quite a few times but I don't understand fully, what is insulin?

Dr. Socki

Insulin in itself is a hormone produced by your body in order to regulate blood sugar levels. Which leads me into the final treatment we have, injecting insulin. Oftentimes insulin can be quite expensive and so it is only really used as a last resort when medications, diet,and exercise don't help enough.


So for an elderly person like me that inherited diabetes genetically, which treatment do you reccomend?

Dr. Socki

Well Ms. Elisa I highly recommend just sticking to a diet and exercising at least 5-6 days a week. Of course if it doesn't work I am always here to create a medication plan.


Thank you very much doctor!

Elisa dances a happy dance

Dr. Socki

No problem glad I could help, Until next time Ms. Elisa!



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