[Calculating Creative Title]...

 This is the final unit of my Calculus class. It has been quite a journey learning about calculus which can be best described as the study of rates of change. From limits, to derivatives and integrals, this class has been jam packed with concepets that I really enjoyed learning about. This final unit was about Integrals, the opposite of derivatives. We learned about the Riemann sum method to estimate areas underneath functions, definite integrals, how to differentiate our integral to double check our work, and even how to find the area between two functions. For our final project we were meant to pick a function, integrate it and find the area underneath a chosen section. I decided to challenge myself and get out my comfort zone by choosing a function that I did not originally feel very comfortable with. In the end I had a lot of fun dealing with this function and below I present to you a slideshow I put together. Enjoy!

This Action Project was very fun to make and I learned a lot in this class. I realized I really enjoy working with numbers and math concepts when they are explained in an accesible way, so thank you to my teacher for explaining a very complicated subject such as calculus in a very understandable way. This is a wrap folks, summer is here! Until next time - AAG


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